Our story begins with a single workshop for young girls on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia in 2003. Marina Passalaris decided to create a fun and empowering experience after school for girls in her area. She had noticed that there weren’t any programs around that supported girls aged 7-14.  At the time she was working at a yogurt factory and supplementing her income hosting women’s events. Marina had a difficult time when she was that age. At one stage her severe anxiety and agoraphobia kept her in her house for an entire year. The first workshops were fun, poppy and aspirational. They covered topics like grooming, deportment, communication and make up. And featured high teas and other experiences that couldn’t be found anywhere else. The girls went wild for it. A few years later, after seeing more and more anxiety, confidence and friendship issues, Marina began experimenting with a different style of workshop. Our beloved Beautiful Minds Australia workshops were born!


  • Retreat Centres


Level 25/300 Barangaroo Ave, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia


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