Hello. I am an Angelic Channel. I connect with your guides & angels. No need to tell me your story, I’m a Medium & Psychic so why would you need to. Your guides channel me & speak with you directly, it’s not a chat, but a reading. No words are mine. If you see a Psychic – tell them nothing… no thoughts or feelings. That would not be psychic if you hear back what you said! I channel animals, your archangels, your loved ones & even your plants. I travel all over Melbourne or client’s travel all over to see me. I do not have an office in the CBD – but I state I work in Melbourne because I do… literally- all over Melbourne. Client’s attend my home also. Readings can be skype or phone no matter where you are on Earth. Breathe.


  • Psychics


Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

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