I wrote this ‘About’ section approximately fifty thousand times – but discovered that writing in third-person is a quick way to make a shop sound completely lame and forgettable. So – I’m just going to write it first person, and ultimately ask you to COME IN AND SAY HELLO (if you can), but if not – go nuts online (and let me quickly remind you how much your purchase means to me as a small business owner. You are helping me pay the rent. THANK YOU.) As you’ll see from the web shop – Kate and Abel is full of all sorts of products… books, specialist magazines, prints, blankets, taxidermy, knives, ceramics, soaps, kitchenware and loads more. I started our (ex) in-house hat label,

St. Saviors, in East London back in 2009. It was a spare bedroom/ hobby/ market-stall /side project which turned into a full-time job. After a few years of smashing it in the British Big Smoke (not really, but let’s just pretend) – I moved back to Australia and in 2013, and opened Kate and Abel inside MANY 6160 (aka the old Myers) in Fremantle.


  • Homeware


47 Market St, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia

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