Choose your ADVENTURE these School Holidays with TeamKids

TeamKids, Australia’s favourite School Holiday program provider, will be delivering yet
another wonderful mix of excursions, incursions and in-house days that promise to keep the
children happy, engaged, safe, nurtured and having fun over the Summer School Holidays.
A wonderful alternative for families seeking a break or needing support whilst working these
School Holidays.

Come and experience the TeamKids difference this Summer:

  • Qualified and REMARKABLE Educators
  • Digital detox with a no screens policy
  • Epic incursions, excursions, and in-house days
  • Delicious and nutritious morning and afternoon snack
  • CCS approved care

TeamKids specialist crew is owned and run by qualified educators and provide industry-
leading educator to child ratios.

All TeamKids programs have been approved under the National Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
To find out more, register or book, click here.


  • After School & Holiday Workshops


Multiple venues in QLD, ACT & NSW

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